Ventana Ranch Elementary School posted and sent home a letter Wednesday from principal Vernadette Chavez discussing the updated policies if there is a disaster or emergency at the school.
“Please discuss these matters with your children and immediate family members,” Chavez wrote. “Planning ahead will help alleviate concern and confusion during emergencies.”
The main points of the letter are:
- Do not telephone the school. Telephone lines may be needed for emergency communication. See below for alternatives for communication.
- In the event of a serious emergency, students will be kept at school until they are picked up by a responsible adult who has been pre-identified on the school emergency contact card, which is required to be filled out by parents/guardians at the beginning of every school year. Instruct your child to remain at school until you or a designee arrives.
- For emergency announcements, go to the APS website, local media channels, APS social
media and the APS app. In addition, information regarding day-to-day school operations will be
available by calling the district office at 880-3700. - If you opted in to the school’s mass notification system, you will also be notified via phone, and/or email as soon as possible during an emergency. It is important the school has your correct phone number and email address so that you will receive these messages. Do not call the school or your child’s cellphone during an emergency, as phone lines will need to remain clear for emergency services.