It’s almost homecoming time for students at Volcano Vista High School.
Thursday, the school hosted a homecoming fashion show that coincided with tickets going on sale on campus. Tickets will be available online via SchoolPay for $25 beginning Friday.
This year’s homecoming dance is 7:30-10:30 p.m. Sept. 24 and the theme is “Hawks in Hollywood.” The homecoming football games is 7 p.m. Sept. 23 against Eldorado at Community Stadium.
Monday is the beginning of Spirit Week at VVHS. The schedule is:
- Monday is Avengers Class Colors Day (Seniors wear blue, juniors wear red, sophomores wear purple, freshman wear green and staff wears yellow).
- Tuesday is The Breakfast Club PJ Day (Students wear pajamas to school).
- Wednesday is Mean Girls Wear Pink.
- Thursday is Monsters University Wear College Gear.
- Friday is Teen Beach Movie Bikers vs. Surfers.
The theme for the homecoming game is In The Spotlight Neon Out with all students in attendance wearing neon colors. Homecoming royalty will be crowned at halftime.