New Mexico sold more than $9.9 million worth of marijuana in the first week recreational use became legal in the state on April 1, according to the Cannabis Control Division.
Dispensaries could see another big boon Wednesday as New Mexicans celebrate April 20, better known in cannabis culture as 4/20.
“We’re expecting a good turnout for sure,” said Sam Martinez, a manger at the Paradise Hills location of Everest Cannabis Co. “We’re expecting it to be pretty busy but expecting nothing but good vibes and just good people to come in and shop. We’re gonna have a lot of sales, a lot of deals going on for everyone and just plenty of stuff. So yeah, I’m excited, man.”

Martinez said his store has seen an uptick in business since April 1, but they have gotten used to the increased workflow.
“The first day was pretty hectic,” Martinez said Tuesday. “Everybody was kind of getting their bearings with everything, but now it’s kind of been like a steady pace now. Nothing too crazy. It’s not like there’s a line out anymore. Of course, tomorrow there probably will be. But thankfully with everything that we’ve kind of done as far as now with getting used to the volume, we should be able to get patients in and out, customers in and out and then just get them on their way.”
Everest will be offering plenty of 4/20 deals on Wednesday.
The 4/20 specials include:
- $19 pre-roll 4-packs
- $4.20 select pre-roll until 4:20 p.m.
- $4.20/gram Arise flower starting at 4:20 p.m.
- $1 off all flowers all day long
- 10% of accessories
- Bonus 5% off entire purchase for anyone wearing Everest merchandise
- There will also be a raffle for several prizes and freebies (hats, stickers and beads) given out throughout the day.
For more information about Everest, click here.