Eldorado High School Girls Soccer is teaming up with the Watermelon Mountain Ranch Animal Rescue, New Mexico’s largest no-kill animal shelter, to get donations for pet supplies and maybe get some pet adoptions along the way.
Donation drop-offs will be 3:30-4 p.m. Aug. 1, during the EHS camp check-in at the EHS soccer field. Another location and time for drop-off will be at 7 p.m. Aug. 3 at High Desert Park, where players will have a photo shoot wearing jerseys with Watermelon Mountain Ranch foster dogs.
Miskee Blatner, EHS girls soccer booster member, said every year sports teams have to participate in fundraising efforts to help offset the costs for the coming season, and what better way to do that than helping promote pet donations and adoptions?
“We are trying something new, a ‘Players & Puppies’ calendar that will include game dates, times and locations (something parents get each year), as well as photos of the 2022 teams with puppies up for adoption through WM Ranch,” Blatner said.
She explained that a portion of the proceeds from the calendars will go to WM Ranch.
Animal rescues, much like the city shelters, are beyond capacity and are having a tough time finding foster homes for the many pets currently being found.
There will also be sponsorship package opportunities with business logos on the calendar as well as 4-foot by 8-foot banners displayed on field. Sponsors will also get their own copy of the Players and Puppies calendar.
WM Ranch can use just about anything dog or cat related, including leashes and collars, toys, grooming tools, carriers, beds and blankets, cat litter, and cat or dog food. The facility could also use cleaning and office supplies.
If students would like to try out for girls soccer this year, tryouts are at 4 p.m. Aug. 8-10. For any questions, email Coach Forrester at aaronforrester79@gmail.com.
For more information about needed items and where to bring them, click Eldorado & Watermelon Mountain Ranch Shelter Flyer.
Considering sponsoring the EHS Girls soccer this year, check out their rates here at 2022 Girls Soccer Sponsorship FINAL.