Police were warning residents to stay inside their homes on Thursday while officials searched for a mountain lion loose in the Heights. On Wednesday, a video was captured of the mountain lion scaling fences around San Pedro and Paseo Del Norte. People on the NextDoor app said they could hear the warnings from a circling helicopter to stay inside as far down as San Mateo up to Tramway from Montgomery.

No word if the mountain lion has been caught by New Mexico State Police and New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, but residents should keep an eye out and use extreme caution; don’t let pets out alone and bring along some mace when walking around the neighborhood or on the trails.

Forest service officials suggest if you run into a mountain lion to stop and back away while continuing to face the animal but avoid direct eye contact.

Mountain lions have been spotted along the foothills trails in the summer months the last few years more and more. While they are typically reclusive animals, with one of the longest droughts on record there is most likely little food in the Sandias with animals venturing down for a source of food.

If residents see any large wildlife in their neighborhoods, it is recommended to call 311 or the non-emergency line at 242-COPS.

Rene Thompson

Local award-winning journalist and proud Burqueña over 25 years. Published in ABQ Free Press, Elbow Room NM, Alibi and NM Entertainment Magazine. Passionate about local issues and seeking the good news of our great city. Contact at: rthompson@neighborhoodjournal.com

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