School ratings are a major factor for prospective homeowners trying to decide what neighborhood to buy in.

The Neighborhood Journal will feature a different school in the northeast and northwest Albuquerque each week to help you understand how schools in those neighborhoods are performing.

Below you will find stats and rankings from that will help you navigate the school scores in your neighborhood.

Tierra Antigua Elementary School

Tierra Antigua Elementary School was established in 2009 in northwest Albuquerque.

GreatSchool Ratings

Tierra Antigua Elementary School has an 8/10 rating, and six reviewers have given the school three out of five stars. TAES is rated as the eighth-best public elementary school in Albuquerque.

The GreatSchool Summary Rating, which includes test scores (8/10), academic progress (8/10) and equity (8/10), is 8/10 for TAES.

Student enrollment

The school has 929 students in grades K-5, a ratio of 19:1 students per teacher.


One reviewer wrote: “We transferred our children from a private school and were pleasantly surprised that the curriculum was more challenging at TA. The teachers are wonderful educators. We had a few issues with bullying and had to contact the office several times because it wasn’t being handled in the class. But other than that, we have rave reviews! My kids love their new school and feel safe.”

Another reviewer wrote: “We love Tierra Antigua. The PTA is more active than any other school that I’ve seen. The school elects and pays for the Eureka Math program which is a much better program than you’ll find anywhere else in APS (the rest use Stepping Stones). There are so many fun events after school to bring the community together. Can’t imagine sending our kiddos anywhere else!”

Kevin Hendricks

Kevin, also known as Steak Sauce, is a reporter for the Neighborhood Journal with a focus on the Ventana Ranch area. He has over 14 years of journalism experience, including reporting, editing and page design.

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