School ratings are a major factor for prospective homeowners trying to decide what neighborhood to buy in.

The Neighborhood Journal will feature a different school in the Northeast and Northwest Albuquerque each week to help you understand how schools in those neighborhoods are performing.

Below you will find stats and rankings from that will help you navigate the school scores in your neighborhood.

James Monroe Middle School

James Monroe Middle School was established in 2001 in northwest Albuquerque.

GreatSchool Ratings

James Monroe Middle School has a 5/10 rating, and 12 reviewers have given the school two out of five stars. JMMS is rated as the seventh-best public middle school in the Albuquerque district.

The GreatSchool Summary Rating, which includes test scores (6/10), academic progress (6/10) and equity (4/10), is 5/10 for JMMS.

Student enrollment

The school has 1,039 students in grades 6-8, a ratio of 17:1 students per teacher.


One reviewer who is a current student wrote: “Saying this school is a rotten hellhole is an understatement. Each day is filled with bullying, boring lectures, and pointless lessons. Most work seems like pointless irritating busywork or a massive project with poor instructions. At this point the only thing keeping me going is the weekend. A lot of the teachers seem to despise this place as much as I do. There has pretty much been a fight every week and you get detention if you even see one. DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Another reviewer wrote: “It was an awful experience. I would rate this school a 4. There are a few amazing teachers but we also experienced several teachers who only teach one way and if you don’t learn that way too bad. We had 2 teachers retire mid semester and had to deal with long term subs in specialized elective classes who had no training in those subjects.”

Kevin Hendricks

Kevin, also known as Steak Sauce, is a reporter for the Neighborhood Journal with a focus on the Ventana Ranch area. He has over 14 years of journalism experience, including reporting, editing and page design.

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